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Carl Hiaasen 's Books

A very well recieved series by Carl Hiaasen are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are The Edible Exile, Naked Came the Manatee, Nature Girl, Dance of the Reptiles, Skink--No Surrender, Skinny Dip, Tourist Season, Sick Puppy, Stormy Weather, Native Tongue, Scat, Assume the Worst: The Graduation Speech You'll Never Hear, Strip Tease, Squeeze Me, Kick Ass: Selected Columns, Team Rodent: How Disney Devours the World, Powder Burn, Double Whammy, The Downhill Lie, Bad Monkey, Carl Hiaasen Collection: Hoot, Flush, Scat, Star Island, Skin Tight, Squirm, Hoot, Flush, Trap Line, TEAM RODENT- How Disney Devours the World, No Surrender, Kick Ass: Selected Columns of Carl Hiaasen, A Death in China, Assume the Worst, Chomp j-4, Carl Hiaasen for Kids: Hoot, Flush, Scat, which was published in 2022.